Thursday, July 28, 2011

30 thing: How to start a fire (in a grill)

"Skills That Save Time or Money"

2.  How to Start a Succssful Fire in a Fireplace, at a Campsite, and in a Barbecue

Why You Should Learn this:

There are many modern reasons to learn this most primitive of skills:  The person who cheerfully offers on a chilly afternoon to start a roaring fire, to be enjoyed with a nice bottle of red wine by all, is irresistible.  (SN:  We live in Florida, enough said).  The person who correctly ans swiftly builds a campfire for the convenience an/or survival of others is a hero. (Camping???  No comment) The person who bravely fires up the barbecue for the imminent consuption of ribs and/or tofu dogs is noble. 

The author's directions read like the directions on the bag of charcoal and the lighter fluid or may I thought that I had seen it done enough time to do it myself.  (That was also mentioned in the book)

I am texting Q because I was very anxious to get started.

The grill , which we have had for almost a year, required assembly. Yes, I helped assemble and grilled in wedges.

Q arrived as I was taking all the parts of the grill out of the box.  Great photo opt!

After a quick change Q dived right in.  (The third set of hands in the pic belong to my mom)

So how many naturals does it take to assemble a grill?

Yep, we're still screwing it in...

No, we're still not done...

Yes! We put it on backwards! *sigh* There's a first time for everything.

So two naturals and a child try...

And so we started screwing the pan into the legs again...

Don't you love Q's ring? Gotta be girly even when doing a man's work.

Almost there!

Look at her go! In wedges and a sundress no less!

Allllllmmmmooooooosssssssttttttt there.

And finally! We're ready to cook folks!

We placed our grill in an open area, away from the house and trees.

Now it's time to add the chacoal and get to grillin'.

A women who isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. Go V!

Ok, ready, set...


Q was tired of waiting, so she went and picked up a snack for the crew.

Hmmm, guess V was hungry too?

The grill is now ready after a loooong wait..had to let the manufacturer's chemicals burn off.

Hope we don't burn it.

Q seasoning the meat to put on the grill.

Looks so yummy!

If he were willing to put his chicken down, he'd tell you that V and Q should go into BBQ business because it was finger lickin' gooooooood!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Cry Me a River

...I would if I could! I mean I really want too, I want to cry inconsolably but the tears won't come.

Why? Well, the degree of disrespect and absurdness of the separation (leading to divorce) has been turned WAAYYYY UP. I think for nothing more than a reaction from me and since I won't react, he just keeps kicking it up a notch.

I want to cry to release the pinned up emotion but I can't. I don't know why the tears won't come but they won't. I want to cry like...this guy (For all of you that have viewed this clip before you know that it is a long clip so here is the abbreviated version):

Or like this:

So, instead of sitting home trying to cry I went to the library and checked out Drunk, Divorced, & Covered in Cat Hair: The True-life Misadventures of a 30-something Who Learned to Knit After He Split By Laurie Perry. I am hoping to find the humor in this situation instead of wallowing in the sadness.

I am on Chapter 22 of the book and I love it. I can relate to only some of it but comforting my soul somehow. Maybe in my head I'm thinking "I'm glad I didn't do that" or "Dang, I should have done that" either way I can't put it down.

In reading this book I have found out a few thing about myself:

1. I have been trying to put my feelings into words and I can't seem too but she did

Page 77:
It is peculiar to be in your (mid-)thirties,becoming more divorced by the minute, and trying to figure out who you are as a person. Thinking back on your life and trying to pinpoint exactly where you turned left, detoured, went too fast or not fast enough...Remembering why it was so important for you to be married, always married.

2. I think I am on the "Divorce Diet".

When most folks go through a divorce they join gyms and go on diets and lose weight; I guess that's what they refer to as The Divorce Diet. it's all about looking your best in the face of adversity because getting thin is the best revenge.

I have always has the inept ability to look great on the outside and be a complete mess on the inside. It's what I do or did, I don't know yet. I'm not saying that I always have it together 'cause I don't but I have been a complete mess more than people may have realized. I think that is why I had the problem Saturday night.

I will NOT bow my head!

I will actually hold it a little higher; especially considering some of my creativity is coming back. I am loving my hair right now and the fact that I am doing things to it (other than my sorry puff and twist-out)makes me wanna hold it high. Peep the pics below:

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What's Up, Chicken Butt?!

What's going on? I could go into my seperation, uncontested divorce vs. contested divorce, laywers, mucho bucks, nonesense thats going on in my life but I won't. Why? Say it with me...because "such it life" or because "it is what it is". That's the spirit.

So very close to thirty-one and how does it feel? Why did I just have a pic of D' Angelo's beautiful body flash before my very eyes? It feels...weird. I mean to some extent I have made peace with it or maybe it has been crowded out by the more important things? IDk but I do want Q and I to finish what we started. What did we start? The "30 Thing by 30" adventures we embarked on. I still have a grill (in the box may I remind you) that we purchase because neither one of us knows how to grill. It is Summer and we still eat (even with the Weight Watchers program) so, why not now. Well, not right now maybe next weekend (IDK gotta check Q's schedule)because this weekend we are off to a Tampa Bay...Lightening? No, that's hockey. What the heck are they?...Off to Google.

The Tampa Bay Storm!!! Go Storm!! (I am a huge fan! LOL!) We are going to see the Sabercats vs. the Storm (ask me where the Sabercats are from if you want but if I struggled with the Storm...) In my mind we are going to have a great time. We? Q, me, and the kids all of them (three) oh, and maybe my mom too. I am not overly into sport but I'm not against it either.

On another note, Q and I went to the beach. She burned and I got darker but I am loving my Summer glow. On a recent FaceBook comment my older brother noticed my "enriched color" but his comment wasn't polite. Boys drool! Anyway being outdoors in the warmth (some days here in FL down right HEAT) feels good. So I leave you with a pic of me enjoying the sun at the park this past weekend.
