What's going on? I could go into my seperation, uncontested divorce vs. contested divorce, laywers, mucho bucks, nonesense thats going on in my life but I won't. Why? Say it with me...because "such it life" or because "it is what it is". That's the spirit.
So very close to thirty-one and how does it feel? Why did I just have a pic of D' Angelo's beautiful body flash before my very eyes? It feels...weird. I mean to some extent I have made peace with it or maybe it has been crowded out by the more important things? IDk but I do want Q and I to finish what we started. What did we start? The "30 Thing by 30" adventures we embarked on. I still have a grill (in the box may I remind you) that we purchase because neither one of us knows how to grill. It is Summer and we still eat (even with the Weight Watchers program) so, why not now. Well, not right now maybe next weekend (IDK gotta check Q's schedule)because this weekend we are off to a Tampa Bay...Lightening? No, that's hockey. What the heck are they?...Off to Google.
The Tampa Bay Storm!!! Go Storm!! (I am a huge fan! LOL!) We are going to see the Sabercats vs. the Storm (ask me where the Sabercats are from if you want but if I struggled with the Storm...) In my mind we are going to have a great time. We? Q, me, and the kids all of them (three) oh, and maybe my mom too. I am not overly into sport but I'm not against it either.
On another note, Q and I went to the beach. She burned and I got darker but I am loving my Summer glow. On a recent FaceBook comment my older brother noticed my "enriched color" but his comment wasn't polite. Boys drool! Anyway being outdoors in the warmth (some days here in FL down right HEAT) feels good. So I leave you with a pic of me enjoying the sun at the park this past weekend.