Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Responsible? Since when?

I am up to my neck in life! I was lying in my bed last night thinking about all the things on my plate and it hit me. I am so busy putting the needs of other before my own and I am okay with that. Such is life right?.

I am in the process of moving (again!) and I needed to find the right house, not the perfect house, just one where I can maintain, live and relax. I realized that I am working practically the entire summer. I had one Friday off after school ended and summer school ends two weeks before school starts (but the week before school I have to report to work) so, that only leaves me one week. WOW! It could be worst. I thought I was going to spend my summer at the beach and maybe go visit my brother in California but...Such is life. I could be unemployed and homeless so, with that in mind I would rather be responsible and tired.

I have three children.
I have a mother.
I have a 7 year old Pom.
I have 4 Beta fish.
I have friends.
I have love (not romantic, no juicy post upcoming).
I have life.

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