Monday, October 11, 2010

Doomsday & Weekend Recap

0 days left...

I woke up this morning at about two due to the never ending Facebook message alerts I began receiving at midnight. I was completely stressed from the events of the weekend and sleep was illusive to me.

I was called in Friday to substitute and the day was going very well. I ran into my husband in the lunchroom and he said he needed to speak with me. He took me outside to talk so, I knew it was serious. He was on an employer mandated sabbatical until further notice. WHAT?! Great, I still had another two hours until I was off. I did my best and maintained my composure throughout the rest of the day. His background results were back and well, there were some technical difficulties. I know of all his past difficulties because he has explained them to me, they took place before we met and were married. Periodically he will go through this with an employer so, we just roll with the punches, it is what it is. However, this is a little different because I have been employed with this employer in one capacity or another for two and a half years and my husband for one and a half. Possibly having the sole income of my family began to weigh on me.

Saturday brought with it serious parenting challenges and I wasn't ready for them. I received a call from my mother Saturday night asking if I knew that my older son had an email address. Of course I did but he has been instructed not to use it and he is obedient child, or so I thought. Turns out that not only has he been using it on a regular basis but it is also the channel through which he communicates with his girlfriend. Yes, you read that right! G-I-R-L-F-R-I-E-N-D. What the hay?! I think my head is about to explode. I felt like one of those cartoon characters with the steam coming out of their ears. I also found out that there was another girl who was heavily pursuing my son, the ex-best friend of the current girlfriend. Yes, a love triangle at 10. I think it was by the grace of God that my son wasn't at home when I received the news. He went out in service with another family and was spending the day playing with their sons. As soon as he got home we sat his little but down and let him know that the proverbial cat was out of the bag. He was caught red handed and he couldn't deny it. After talking with him I wrote two letters, one for each girl’s parents, asking them to contact me regarding an incident with our children. Upon arrival at their school on Monday morning I sent the kids to breakfast and headed for their classrooms. I poked my head inside of girl number one's classroom and who is in there? Girl number one and both of her parents, I forgot that this week is Parent Conference Week! I waited outside the classroom for them to finish. While I was waiting I went to girl number two's classroom and talked with her teacher and asked if she would send my note home with the girl. She agreed after hearing the circumstances that inspired the notes. When the parents of girl number exited the conference I asked if I could talk to them for a moment and they agreed. I almost completely spazzed out while conversing with these parents. Can you believe that she knew that about their dating? "It is innocent, you're taking it out of context” the mother said. Lady you daughter said the she "loves" my son and "would do anything for him" and she "wanted to hug him because he didn't hug her". The conversation ended with her saying she would block my son's email address which is also her solution to the feud her daughter was involved in. Really I know my son is a liar, his action has proven this but why is your ten year old daughter so desperate? I couldn't stay and talk to the dumbest set of parents I have ever met because I needed to go to work. I received a call from girl number two's mother but I wasn't off yet so I told her I would have to call her back. As soon as I clocked out. It turns out that she also was well aware of the dating and the feud. SERIOUSLY?! I mean if you feel that at ten you daughter is mature enough to date than fine but, wouldn't you at least check out her boyfriend's family? I guess not because neither one of these women thought to do that. And neither one seemed concerned about the fact that both of their daughter suggested that cheating would solve this dilemma of theirs. Livid has been my state of mind surrounding these events. I also found out that my other son also knew of the shenanigans that were going on and my baby girl knew they had email addresses but they told her that she better not tell us. My heart is so hurt right now but since they all took a united front in deceiving us (their parents) then we are taking a united front in administering punishment.

On top of this I turned 30.

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