Howdy Folks! Yes, it is I and yes I am still alive (partially, anyway). I have started several post but never finished them or posted them due to several thing mostly just my circumstances. In those posts I opened up even more about my family life and even featured some family moments. I chose not to publish those posts due to some recent events that will undoubtedly be revealed as the year continues.
I don’t believe in making “New Year’s” resolutions but I have decided that I need to make some changes and to also take better care of myself, spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially.
I am also currently pursuing a teaching certification, what? Yes, you read it correctly. I have been a substitute teacher for a while now and I think I have found my niche, my place, maybe even my calling. A little dramatic? Yeah, I know but, my original major in college was Elementary Education and now I am preparing for the Elementary Education General Knowledge Exam.
I have not made any “Splurge Purchases” lately but I am in need of a new car so, most likely that will be my next “splurge”. I’m not really into cars except for Volkswagens and that is solely due to the “punch Buggy” game I play with the kids. I can spot those babies a mile away, RED ONE!
I am still dabbling with hair; I recently colored, straightened, and cut my hair and Q’s. We took a few pictures and maybe we will get it together and post them. I am actually very anxious to get my hands on a friend’s hair. She wanted me to color her hair a month or so ago and our schedules have not been compatible but I am itching to do some creative color so, I might have to make it happen.
Thanks to Q! for helping my maintain some of my sanity during this rough time and I promise to try my best to be more regular. Hot water, crushed flax seed and lemon anyone?