Monday, September 27, 2010

30 things everyone should know how to do before turning 30!

I stumbled upon a book at the library that I think will be interesting and somewhat amusing. It is:

30 Things Everyone Should Know How to Do Before Turning 30
By: Siobhan Adcock

30 must-have life skills every capable adult should perfect before turning 30. You're old enough to own property and have a family, but can you safely open a bottle of champagne? Or change a flat tire? 30 Things Everyone Should Know How to Do Before Turning 30 provides idiot-proof instructions for mastering these and other essential, face-saving, and possibly life-saving skills. You'll learn how to... 1. wrap a present 2. start a successful fire in a fireplace, at a campsite, and in a barbecue 3. finish a piece of furniture 4. get a raise 5. order wine at a restaurant without getting stiffed 6. parallel park in three breathtakingly beautiful movements 7. dance a "slow dance" without looking like an idiot 8. use a full place setting properly, including chopsticks and Asian soup spoons And more!

I thought that it would be kind of entertaining for Q and I to see if we are competent thirty somethings. Each week we will discuss one of the 30 skills named in the book and see if we have or can master that skill. When appropriate we will upload videos or photos for your viewing pleasure.

Have you read the book? Do you feel like you are a competent 30 something?

Weekend Recap

14 days and counting...

On Saturday I danced at MOSI in Simone Salsa School's Salsa Rueda. It was quite an experience for me. I was so nervous that I didn't get a decent night's sleep and I had no appetite. We performed twice and I can with full confidence say that the second performance was much better than the first. I didn't video the performance but I think some of the other students did so if they upload it to facebook or Youtube I will share it with you all.

I love shoes. Shoes make the world go 'round! I cleaned out my closet this weekend and I threw out seven pairs of shoes. I wonder how many pairs of shoes does the average woman own? IDK, ten, twenty-five,...Google!

According to wrote recently about this here: Original study was conducted by, who surveyed 3,000 women.

Scary (but unsurprising) summary?

•The average woman will buy 469 pairs of shoes in her lifetime
•She'll spend ~$25,000 overall
•This is ~$53 per pair
•The average woman has about 19 pairs of shoes at any given time
•These 19 pairs include three pairs with heels, six pairs of either flip-flops, sandals, ballet pumps or wedges, three pairs of boots and four pairs of 'foxy-style' shoes for nights out. (Note: "Foxy-style" not to be confused with "foxy-grandpa style," see
•Women also have two pairs of work shoes and another two or so 'random' purchases
•Girls buy their first pair without mom at 14, then seven pairs a year for the rest of their lives

Well, I beg to differ. I have: 65 pairs of stilettos, 6 pairs of boots, 1 pair of sneakers, 2 pairs of golf shoes, 2 pairs of dance shoes, 4 pairs of wedges, and 3 pairs of sling backs, and 5 pairs of flip flops. A grand total of 88! And just think I threw out seven pairs before this census.

What did you do this weekend?   Did you have a great experience or a few regrets?   Do you have more shoes than the average woman?

Friday, September 24, 2010

One this day in 1980...

1980 Iran Iraq Begins Bombing

24th Sept. 1980 : Iraqi planes have bombed Iran's Kharg Island crude oil export terminal which is currently burning out of control. The war is over the sovereignty over the lower reaches of Shatt al arab waterway which marks the border between Iraq and Iran. The war ended 8 years later in August 1988 after a cease fire was agreed and the war is thought to have claimed the lives of nearly 1/2 million in that time.

The Billboard magazine R&B singles chart number one hits of 1980:
Give Me The Night-George Benson

Thursday, September 23, 2010

When I grow up I want to be...

...a mother, a teacher, a social worker, a lawyer, a hair dresser, a doctor, and a ballerina.

I remember the answers to that question like it was yesterday. I was so innocent and filled with dreams of being the epitome of the "Professional Woman". I must say that I have accomplished some of those goals. I am the mother of three beautiful children, I currently work as a substitute teacher, I was a certified social worker for a while, I currently hold a valid cosmetology license in the state of Florida, as well as, a license as a certified nursing assistant and I work part-time as a night janitor( I know not on the list but I do that too). I don't have plans to pursue becoming a doctor, a lawyer, or a ballerina although, I have taken salsa lessons (I actually graduated in July) and I would like to start Tango lessons. (Sidebar: I love pictures and videos so, I know I will post more than my share of them.) Here is a great spot for me to share the graduation dance video:

Okay, back to the topic at hand, I don't know why I have found my place or why I seem to be stuck in the role of professional student ( I have been in school off and one since 1999) and I start nursing in January. At least I think I am starting I am not sure if I really want to. I would like to find a career that I enjoy doing, that I can retire from while I am still young enough to enjoy being retired. I know one thing for sure: time is running out.

Have you found your dream job? Are you currently working in your choice career? Have you changed careers like I change shoes?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Countdown to Thirty!

"But I don't want to turn thirty!" (in my best Jerry Seinfield voice). I am not ready to turn 30, not physically, not financially and most definitely not emotionally!

Well, I guess I should introduce myself first instead of informing you of how insecure I am of being one year older.

Hi, my name is Valoree although on here I will most likely refer to myself as V and I can almost guarantee that Q will also. I am married (and have been for eight years well, in November it will be eight), I am the mother of three beautiful children ( Z (10), T (10), and E (6) ), and the rest of my life is well...unplanned, unorganized, and a little chaotic.

I was born on October 11, 1980 and I am dreading with all my being this October 11th. I don't know when my obession with, dread of turning thirty began but it is here and it is full-blown. I guess I never envisioned my 30 year old self, where I would be or what I would be doing but, in a few short weeks it will be here. In order to preserve my sanity I thought that blogging would be the perfect outlet and I have a friend who has her own issue with being 30 so, why not join forces?! Come along and join us onthis unscripted journey!

How about you? Are you soon to be thirty? Have you already turned thirty? Did any major changes happen when you turned thirty?